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Aluminum Machined Products & Parts

Manufacturers design aluminum machining products to deliver world-class performance at a minimum unit cost. They take their finished designs to Shineway to get the absolute assurance of on-time component delivery for aluminum machined parts, along with cost effectiveness that competes.

Custom CNC Aluminum Parts

Every element of the Shineway Manufacturing process is optimized for CNC aluminum machining success. Shineway creates custom programming in-house to choose the shortest time and lowest cost machining method.

Aluminum Machining Benefits

In terms of machining materials, aluminum machined parts are the most economical because they can be use CNC machining and milling for shorter periods of time than other metals. Aluminum machined products also have added strength, corrosion, and rust resistance due to a protective layer that forms when exposed to the atmosphere. Furthermore, aluminum machined parts are chemical resistant, electrically conductive, malleable, and possess high strength.

Common Aluminum Material

Aluminum Machining Capabilities

Industries & Applications

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